Conduct of session
During the session you will have creation time (expressive moment) and after you will discuss the piece with the therapist (reflective moment).
Immediately after you have finished the piece of art or after the discussion with the therapist, depending on the situation the art-therapist will ask you to experiment with ideas by exploring techniques. For example, creating an image (painting, drawing, collage, modeling, 3D creation), using words (writing fiction, poetry, slam …), sound, movement, scenic play, taste and smell.
You will create a work that evolves over the course of the session. It can start in one technique and then transform into another: for example, a sound creation (sound) can continue in painting (image), then feed a story written (word), etc …
After you have finished you will have time to express the discoveries you have made during the artistic creation and link it to your life. There is time to discuss what you have discovered that enables you to make connections between one or more experiences during your artistic creation that may link to your daily life. It is a reflexive moment that can give the participant some understanding about situations you are going through, and allows you to bring a new perspective to them and develop new ways to move forward to a improved well being.

At your first session, you will meet with the art-therapist who will explain how the sessions will work. You will then discuss why you have chosen to begin Art Therapy and what you would like to gain from the sessions. Together you will discuss realistic and achievable goals and how often you will have a session. This can change over time and you can decide to stop at any time.